Dear Parishioners,
In the coming weeks, the Parish Pastoral Assembly, along with your priests, will be conducting a survey to gather your thoughts and feedback on various aspects of our parish. We are deeply committed to understanding your needs and ensuring our parish continues to serve you effectively.
You have several ways to participate:
You can participate in the survey by scanning the QR code found in the newsletters, or you can use the following code to access the survey online:
2. Printed Surveys: Copies will be available at the back of the Cathedral. Once completed, you can return them to the Parish Office or drop them in the postbox of the Cathedral House.
3. Download the PDF: You can download the survey in here. After filling it out, you may submit it as above.
4. Online Access: Complete the survey quickly and easily by visiting the following link
Additionally, we will have printed surveys available in the back of the Cathedral for those who do not have online access.
Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we encourage everyone to take a few moments to share their thoughts. Thank you for your participation and continued support of our parish community.