Our priests

As pastors, we are called to accompany the communities that we serve, and at the same time to commit ourselves with prayer, discernment and apostolic zeal in ensuring that our ministry is suited to the needs of a synodal and missionary Church. The Lord who has called us and consecrated us asks us today to listen to the voice of his Spirit and to advance in the direction that he points out to us. Of one thing we can be sure: he will never leave us without his grace. Along the way, we will discover how to set our ministry free from the things that wear us down and rediscover its most authentic core, the proclamation of God’s word and the gathering of the community for the breaking of bread.

Fragments from the Letter of the Holy Father to the Parish Priests

  • Father Phil Gaffney adm.

    Born in Castletown Finea. Went to St Finian’s College and then to St Patrick’s College Maynooth. Ordained a priest on June 5th 1988. Joined the staff of St Finian’s College in 1988-2003. Served as CC in Ratoath 2003-2006. PP in Ardcath- Curraha 2006-2013. St Mary’s Drogheda 2013-2021. ADM. Mullingar 2021-2024.

  • Fr. Norman Allred C.C.

    He came to Mullingar with the Covid in March 2020, and I was ordained here that September. Happily settled in to Mullingar parish life with new friends; keeping myself interested with many houseplants, violin study, pet birds and fish, and books.

  • Fr. Andrei Stolnicu C.C.

    I am originally from the Diocese of Iași in Romania. Currently, I have the privilege of serving as a curate at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Mullingar, within the Diocese of Meath, Ireland. My journey to Ireland began in September 2021, as part of an initiative to support the Diocese of Meath in addressing a shortage of local clergy.

  • Fr. Barry White C.C.

    Fr. Barry White C.C.

    A native of Rathkenny, Co. Meath. Went to St Patrick's Classical School in Navan. Studied at Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, Maynooth, 2008-2015. Completed teacher-training at Trinity College Dublin and taught in secondary schools in Meath and Dublin, 2015-2020. Studied Canon Law at KU Leuven, Belgium (2020-2023). Ordained a priest on 17 July 2022 and appointed to Mullingar Parish.

  • Fr. Vincent Daka C.C.

    A priest of the Diocese of Chipata – Zambia. Ordained on August 15, 1999. Welcomed to Mullingar and Meath Diocese in September 2020 and to continue with studies for the Doctorate in Theology at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University-Maynooth. Memorable opportunity to serve at the Cathedral of Christ the King.