The Cathedral - Description and History
Mullingar Parish Mullingar Parish

The Cathedral - Description and History

The Cathedral of Christ the King is a most impressive building visible from every approach road to Mullingar. Its twin towers, which are one hundred and seventy six feet in height, surmounted by gilt bronze crosses, are dominant features in the landscape. The Cathedral is well situated on high ground near the center of the town.

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Cathedral Consecration
Mullingar Parish Mullingar Parish

Cathedral Consecration

A church or Cathedral was never consecrated until it was fully paid for. It took 100 years for example in the case of Letterkenny Cathedral. It took incredible courage and vision on the part of Mulvany to see it through. Including interior decoration, it cost £275,000. This was at a time when the average wage of some labourers was 5p an hour, less than £2.50 for what was then the normal six day working week. It is hard to get a decent comparison, but you are probably talking about a €30 million project today. That it was built and paid for in ten years is extraordinary.

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